2nd Grade Number Sense Games
Watch your child's 2nd grade math skills grow as they play Mindly's exciting selection of math games for kids! Explore all our number sense games and discover a world of fun and learning.
2nd Grade Number Games

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Odd and Even Numbers Game
Dive into Boofus Quiz-O-Rama and differentiate between odd and even numbers. Let Boofus guide your child in this numerical quest!

Fast Food | Odd and Even Numbers Game
Speed through the fast food lane and serve up knowledge by identifying odd and even numbers!

Ice Cream Bonanza | Odd and Even Numbers Game
Help Waffle catch odd and even numbered ice creams and boost understanding of these number categories!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Odd and Even Numbers Game
Dive into Numberman's world, helping him distinguish between odd and even numbered pizzas!
2nd Grade Skip Counting Games

Taterz Quiz | Skip Counting by 8 Game
Ready to practice skip counting by 8's with Taterz? She trades correct answers for eggs as you help her study for her quiz!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Skip Counting by 4 Game
Practice skip counting by 4's skill with Numberman! Correct answers earn him a slice of pizza!

Fast Food | Skip Counting by 9 Game
Ready to practice skip counting by 9's and win the race through the stomach? Correct answers help the Menu Pals race toward the finish line!

Ice Cream Bonanza | Skip Counting by 6 Game
Practice skip counting by 6's with Waffle! Correct answers help him clean the ice cream off the floor!
Missing Addends

Space Race | Addition and Missing Addends to 10 Game
Help your child master addition to 10 and missing addends with no stress and fun games!

Space Race | Addition and Missing Addends to 5 Game
Help your child master addition to 5 and missing addends with no stress and fun games!
2nd Grade Place Value Games

Space Race | Three-Digit Addition - Adding 10 Game
Help your child master three-digit addition and number sense as they practice adding 10 more.

Dino Soar | Three-Digit Addition and Adding 10 Game
Practice adding 10 more to three-digit numbers to help your dinosaur fly through the air and win the race!

Dino Soar | Adding 10 and 100 Game
Practice adding 10 or 100 to three-digit numbers to help your dinosaur win the flying race!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Three-Digit Addition - Adding 10 Game
Effortlessly guide your child to subtraction within 100 mastery by helping Numberman to gain strength with his ultimate power source... pizza!