2nd Grade Math Games
Give your child's 2nd grade math routine a boost with Mindly's online math games for kids, making math practice both entertaining and captivating! With the amusing and wacky Mindly Games characters as their companions, your 2nd grader will delight in mastering skills like number sense, addition, subtraction, and more. Don't wait any longer; start playing now!
2nd Grade Number Sense Games

Fast Food | Greater Than, Less Than 1 to 100 Game
Win the race to the stomach as you practice and master comparing numbers 1 to 100! Choose if each number is greater than, less than, or equal to the other! Play now!

Fast Food | Two-Digit Addition - Adding 10 More Game
Adding 10 to two-digit numbers using number sense and place value makes mastering two-digit addition is a breeze.

Fast Food | Comparing Three-Digit Numbers Game
Help menu pals race to be digested first as you practice and master comparing three-digit numbers! Choose if each number is greater than, less than, or equal to the other! Play now!

Dino Eggs | Two-Digit Addition and Adding 10 More Game
Practice two-digit addition to crack all the dinosaur eggs with Mindly's fun math games!
2nd Grade Addition Games

Miss Math's Time Machine| Addition within 20 Game
Join Miss Math's time machine game to practice addition within 20. Help her gather time tokens to power her time machine and embark on exciting historical adventures!

Dino Eggs | Addition within 20 Game
Master addition within 20 and be a hero as you set the baby dinos free from their eggs!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition to 10 Game
Join Taterz in a fun quiz session! Learn addition facts up to 10 and help Taterz collect eggs in Taterz Quiz-O-Rama

Ms. Math's Time Machine | Addition Doubles Facts to 5 Game
Learn doubles facts to 5 with Ms. Math and build a solid foundation for addition facts.
2nd Grade Subtraction Games

Ice Cream Bonanza | Subtraction within 100 Game
Master subtraction within 100 while you help Waffle save the ice cream truck from total chaos!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Subtraction within 100 Game
Help your child master subtraction within 100 with Mindly's fun and exciting games!

Fast Food | Subtraction within 20 Game
Easily master subtraction within 20 using Finish Line Foods' menu pals!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Subtraction within 100 Game
Become a subtraction master with Boofus! This game makes it easy and fun to improve your subtraction within 100 skills. See how high you can score!
2nd Grade Geometry Games

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Shape Attributes Game
Shape identification gets a fun twist in Taterz Quiz-O-Rama: Shape Attributes. A perfect mix of learning and gaming!

Space Race | Shape Attributes Game
Blast off into space and help your character win the race by identifying the shapes with the right attributes!

Dino Eggs | Shape Attributes Game
Learn shape attributes in a prehistoric setting with Dino Eggs Quiz: Shape Attributes. Fun, interactive learning for kids!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Shape Attributes Game
Dive into the world of shapes and their unique attributes with Boofus Quiz-O-Rama: Shape Attributes. Your kids will love learning as they play!