Quiz Games
Mindly's quiz games make math a blast. Build math fluency with math games by winning the Boofus quiz show, helping baby dinosaurs hatch, or helping Taterz study for her math quiz.
All Quiz Games

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Composing Teen Numbers Game
Practice composing teen numbers with Taterz and her collect eggs as a prize!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Tens and Ones Game
Join Taterz in a fun math adventure! With Taterz Quiz-O-Rama: Adding Tens and Ones, kids learn addition in an engaging and straightforward way.

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition to 10 Game
Join Taterz in a fun quiz session! Learn addition facts up to 10 and help Taterz collect eggs in Taterz Quiz-O-Rama

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Adding 1 Game
Help your child master single-digit addition as they practice adding 1 to single-digit numbers in this fun game with Boofus.

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding 1 Game
Practice single-digit addition with Taterz and help your child master it by adding 1 to single-digit numbers. Play today!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 5 Game
Boost your kid's addition skills! Help Taterz ace her quiz while mastering addition within 5 in Taterz Quiz-O-Rama.

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Tens and Ones Game
Learning to add tens and ones is always super fun with the Boofus quiz game!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Comparing Numbers Game
Dive into Taterz Quiz-O-Rama and help the Taterz decide which number is biggest or smallest! Perfect for kids learning to compare numbers from 1 to 10.

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Comparing Numbers Game
Boofus needs your help in figuring out which number is bigger or smaller. Let's get comparing with numbers from 1 to 10!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Counting 2D Shapes Game
Practice counting 2D shapes during a fun quiz with Boofus!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Counting to 120 Game
Join Taterz to help her study for her quiz and count to 120. Each correct answer earns an egg from Taterz's collection!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Counting 1 to 5 Game
Counting with Taterz is a treat! Learn to count from 1 to 5, help Taterz in her quiz, and earn some eggs. Ideal for young learners!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Counting 1 to 5 Game
Get ready for some counting fun with Boofus Quiz-O-Rama! Master counting 1 to 5 and help Boofus win his quiz. A perfect game for kindergartners!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Counting Backwards from 20
Counting with Taterz is a treat! Learn to count backwards from 20, help Taterz ace her quiz, and earn some eggs. Ideal for young learners!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Addition to 10 Game
Boofus' fun quiz will help your child master addition to 10!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Composing Teen Numbers Game
Practice composing teen numbers with Boofus and help him study for his quiz!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 100 Game
Step into Taterz Quiz-O-Rama, a fun game focusing on addition within 100. Help Taterz prepare for her quiz and collect eggs along the way!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Three Numbers Game
Taterz needs help studying for her quiz on adding three single-digit numbers! Play now and help her ace the quiz!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Three Numbers Game
Practice adding three single-digit numbers on Boofus Quiz-O-Rama! Play now!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 100 Game
Dive into Boofus Quiz-O-Rama, one of the best math games focusing on addition within 100. Let Boofus guide your child through engaging math challenges!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Addition Doubles Facts to 20 Game
Build a solid foundation for fluency with addition doubles facts to 20 first before moving on to addition facts within 10.

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 20 Game
Helping kids reach mastery in addition within 20 is a vital step in their math development. Make the journey even more fun with playful and silly games.

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition Doubles Facts to 20 Game
Dive into the delicious world of Taterz Quiz-O-Rama while mastering your addition doubles facts to 20! From 1+1 to 10+10, Taterz is here to help you become a numbers champ.

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 20 Game
Hop into Taterz Quiz-O-Rama where kids can build confidence and progress in their addition within 20 skills. Taterz is here to help you become a math wiz!

Taterz Quiz | Skip Counting by 8 Game
Ready to practice skip counting by 8's with Taterz? She trades correct answers for eggs as you help her study for her quiz!

Taterz Quiz | Skip Counting by 3 Game
Perfect your skip counting by 3's skill with the Taterz Quiz-O-Rama! Navigate through the game and rack up points - the fun way to learn!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Multiples of 10
Master adding multiples of 10 and help Taterz study for her quiz! Get ready, set, subtract!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Adding 10 and 100 Game
Practice adding 10 and 100 in this fun game to get the high score on Boofus Quiz-O-Rama!

Boofus Quiz | Subtracting Multiples of 10
Master subtracting multiples of 10 and win the boofus quiz show! Get ready, set, subtract!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Multiplication by 1 Game
Collect eggs and practice multiplication facts by 1 with Taterz!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 1000 Game
Help Boofus ace his quiz by practicing addition within 1000! Boost your skills and have fun with this interactive math game.

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Addition within 1000 Game
Join Taterz to practice addition within 1000 and collect eggs for each correct answer in this fun math game!