Number Sense Games
Dive into the world of number sense with Mindly's math games for kids! Understanding number sense is a key step in a child's math journey. It's about knowing how numbers relate to each other, their values, and how they work together. Our games are designed to help kids build this understanding, fostering fluency, problem-solving skills, and a love for math. With Mindly, your child will approach math problems with confidence and enthusiasm. Start this exciting learning journey today!
Number Recognition Games

Fast Food | Identifying Numbers 1 to 5 Game
Win the race to be digested first while learning to identify numbers from 1 to 5 with the Mindly menu pals! Play now!

Rainbow Maker | Identifying Numbers 1 to 5 Game
Bottle rainbows for delivery while learning to identify numbers from 1 to 5 with Kitty Princess and Sassycorn! Play now!

Space Race | Identifying Numbers 1 to 5 Game
Zoom through space to win the race while learning to identify numbers from 1 to 5! Play now!

Dino Soar | Identifying Numbers 1 to 5 Game
Fly through the prehistoric wilderness while learning to identify numbers from 1 to 5! Play now!
Skip Counting Games

Taterz Quiz | Skip Counting by 8 Game
Ready to practice skip counting by 8's with Taterz? She trades correct answers for eggs as you help her study for her quiz!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Skip Counting by 4 Game
Practice skip counting by 4's skill with Numberman! Correct answers earn him a slice of pizza!

Fast Food | Skip Counting by 9 Game
Ready to practice skip counting by 9's and win the race through the stomach? Correct answers help the Menu Pals race toward the finish line!

Ice Cream Bonanza | Skip Counting by 6 Game
Practice skip counting by 6's with Waffle! Correct answers help him clean the ice cream off the floor!
Missing Addends

Space Race | Addition and Missing Addends to 10 Game
Help your child master addition to 10 and missing addends with no stress and fun games!

Space Race | Addition and Missing Addends to 5 Game
Help your child master addition to 5 and missing addends with no stress and fun games!
Place Value Games

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Composing Teen Numbers Game
Practice composing teen numbers with Taterz and her collect eggs as a prize!

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Tens and Ones Game
Join Taterz in a fun math adventure! With Taterz Quiz-O-Rama: Adding Tens and Ones, kids learn addition in an engaging and straightforward way.

Space Race | Three-Digit Addition - Adding 10 Game
Help your child master three-digit addition and number sense as they practice adding 10 more.

Dino Soar | Three-Digit Addition and Adding 10 Game
Practice adding 10 more to three-digit numbers to help your dinosaur fly through the air and win the race!
Math Patterns

Ice Cream Bonanza | Extending Patterns Game
Explore extending patterns with Waffles as he tries to save the ice cream from the floor!

Dino Eggs | Extending Patterns Game
Extending patterns will help the baby dinos to break free from their eggs! Play now!

Fast Food | Extending Patterns Game
The Mindly fast food crew is on race to extend patterns and be digested first!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Extending Patterns Game
Numberman will help you practice extending patterns as he powers up on pizza to save the math universe!