Game of the Week

Dino Soar | Subtracting 1 Game
Subtracting one less from one-digit numbers in this fun dino race is a great place to start in building a solid foundation for one-digit subtraction.

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Identifying 2D Shapes Game
Taterz needs to study for her identifing 2D shapes quiz. She will give you an egg for every correct answer!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Skip Counting by 5 Game
A solid foundation for multiplication facts starts with skip counting. Practicing skip counting by 5s to win the quiz!

Ice Cream Bonanza | Divide by 5 Game
Save the ice cream with Waffle! Practice division by 5 by selecting the ice creams with the correct answers.
Featured Kindergarten Learning Games

Space Race | Identifying Numbers 1 to 30 Game
Help your character win the race in Space by recognizing numbers 1 to 30!

Dino Eggs | Identifying 3D Shapes Game
Let's help the baby dinos break free from their eggy prisons by recognizing 3D shapes together!

Dino Soar | Subtracting 1 Game
Subtracting one less from one-digit numbers in this fun dino race is a great place to start in building a solid foundation for one-digit subtraction.

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Addition to 10 Game
Boofus' fun quiz will help your child master addition to 10!
Featured First Grade Learning Games

Boofus Quiz | Subtracting Multiples of 10
Master subtracting multiples of 10 and win the boofus quiz show! Get ready, set, subtract!

Numberman's Pizza Party | Subtraction to 10 Game
Numberman is running out of steam! Practice subtracting by 10 and help him gain strength and fuel up on the ultimate pizza power source!

Dino Soar | Addition within 100 Game
Embark on a prehistoric journey with Dino Soar. Master addition within 100 games and watch your dino fly faster with every correct answer!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Two-Digit Addition - Adding 10 More Game
When you add 10 to two-digit numbers using number sense and place value, mastering two-digit addition is a breeze.
Featured Second Grade Learning Games

Miss Math's Time Machine | Adding Three Numbers Game
Join Miss Math's as she journey's through time on a mission to add three single-digit numbers! Play now!

Space Race | Addition and Missing Addends to 10 Game
Help your child master addition to 10 and missing addends with no stress and fun games!

Boofus Quiz-O-Rama | Skip Counting by 5 Game
A solid foundation for multiplication facts starts with skip counting. Practicing skip counting by 5s to win the quiz!

Fast Food | Subtraction within 20 Game
Easily master subtraction within 20 using Finish Line Foods' menu pals!
Featured Third Grade Learning Games

Space Race | Addition within 1000 Game
Master addition within 1000 and help your astronaut speed through space and win the race!

Dino Eggs | Subtracting 10 and 100 Game
Practice subtracting 10 and 100 to help the baby Dinosaurs hatch!

Miss Math's Time Machine | Three-Digit Addition - Adding 10 Game
Join Miss Math's time machine game to master three-digit addition by adding 10. Help her gath

Taterz Quiz-O-Rama | Adding Multiples of 10
Master adding multiples of 10 and help Taterz study for her quiz! Get ready, set, subtract!